North Central BC Hunting
The Canadian moose is undoubtedly one of AlphaDog’s most prominent big game species. Both of our hunting camps hold excellent numbers and first-rate trophy quality. Our mature bulls will carry an antler spread of between 45 – 55+ inches. We typically possess a high level of success (80% – 90%) with our moose hunts, no matter what time of the season we hunt them. Our rut hunts run from mid-September through to mid-October. Our guides know how to call and when to call, clients should expect that talking in a bull could take some time. We limit the number of moose clients each season, further ensuring we only offer hunts of the highest quality.
Moose will generally weigh in between 400-700 lbs quartered. We will ensure your trophy and meat get back to camp, for those not wishing to bring all the meat back home, we have a list of families in need that donate the meat to.
Moose are great single species hunts, or combo nicely with Grizzly or Black bear.
Any age or physical ability can hunt moose with us.
We book our moose hunts between Sept 21st and Nov 8th, please look at the bottom of our PriceList page for hunting dates that fit your timeline.
Because of our high moose density and diverse methods of hunting, any physical ability or age can enjoy these hunts. Hunt with the outfit the knows Moose!
We are simply one of BC’s best moose hunting outfitters………….do not wait to book your hunt dates.

Lets Paln Your Hunting trip!
If a bull can be called in!
Mike or Shawn will be able to do it!
Alpha Dog Outdoors Canadian Moose Facts
- Over 70% of the BC moose population lives in northern British Columbia.
- To maximize your chances of success, you’ve got to hunt where moose densities are at their highest.
- Bulls will weigh in at 1000-1400lbs.
- An average bull will yield 400-500+ pounds of excellent meat.
- Over 50% (while calves) of moose are killed by predators such as bears and wolves.
- Once adults, their survival rate is around 90%.
- Average lifespan is 15-20 years
- Moose typically live in a small area, about 5 sq miles
- Moose can run up to 35mph, I know I’ve been chased horseback!
- Moose do not have great eyesight but easily make up for it with an incredible sense of smell and hearing.
- Close proximity to water sources, such as lakes, beaver ponds and rivers, is also an important consideration.
- Bulls can hear cow calls up to two miles away, being patient for a bull will increase success (trust your guide).
Be Patient!
- The moose breeding season (Rut) runs from mid Sept to the end of Oct.
- Not all cows are covered during their first heat, therefore, bulls will react to calls well into Nov.
- Moose are most active at dusk and dawn, but during the rut and cool enough temps and they will be more active during the day.
- Moose will eat up to 70lbs of feed a day, that’s a pile of twigs.
- Moose have four-chambered stomachs and chew their cud similar to a cow.
- For their size, moose are anchored relatively easily. Any well placed 30 calibers will do the trick!